Kitesurfing equipment: how to choose the right one?

Advice from the Jeremy Burlando Pro Center on choosing the right kitesurfing equipment for your needs.

attrezzatura kitesurf come sceglierla

Have you just finished your kitesurfing course and want to buy your first complete kitesurfing equipment?
Are you an independent kiter and wish to change your kitesurfing board?
Over the years, the Jeremy Burlando Pro Center team has hoisted many sails, tested new models, and talked to dozens of kiting professionals. We will then try to provide you with the most useful advice for choosing the right kitesurfing equipment for your needs.


The first tip for beginner kitesurfers

Once the kitesurfing course is over, normally the first desire is to make yourself independent with the purchase of all the equipment. Our advice, however, is not to get caught up in the rush.

At this stage, when you are not yet experienced and aware of your goals, it is very easy to make a wrong choice, that is, not based on the parameters we will see in a moment.
This could negatively affect both your growth process and your portfolio.

Remember that the better equipped kite schools offer a full kitesurfing equipment rental service that, at least in the beginning, will give you a chance to test various models before finding the one that best suits your needs and deciding to purchase it.

Also take advantage of this opportunity at the Jeremy Burlando Pro Center Sicily at Stagnone in Marsala!

Kitesurfing equipment: how to choose the right one and what you can’t miss

If you are a beginner kitesurfer and are interested in purchasing complete kitesurfing equipment, consider that to get on the water you will need:

  • Sailing kitesurfing

If you are a beginner kitesurfer before buying your first sail, ask some experienced friends or your trusted kite school for advice. Alternatively, opt for an all round sail that will open up many opportunities for you;

  • Bar

Usually the first bar is purchased on offer along with the glider; however, if you want to purchase it separately usually at the Jeremy Burlando Pro Center we always recommend 45-55 cm bars with 22-24 meters of cables.

  • Kiteboard

Choosing a board is less challenging than choosing a sail, although it is still very important for progression. Slingshot has 7 different models of boards, from pure wake style to free ride, but for the early days rely on a 135-140 cm twin tip kitesurf board and you’ll do great.

  • Trapeze

Most of the harnesses you’ll see in the water are band(waist) models, but some kiters prefer the shorts(seat) one. There is no rule here: it’s more a matter of fit. The right trapeze should support the lower back without giving you any discomfort, even in high winds.

  • Clothing

Each spot has its own rules and characteristics. So inform yourself before going out about the requirement to wear protection such as a helmet orimpact vest and, depending on the season and the morphology of the water entrance, the importance of getting a wetsuit and booties.

The 3 parameters for choosing the right kitesurfing equipment

If you have already tried to take a look online at the major kitesurfing equipment sales sites, you will have realized how many models, brands and products there are available. In this sea of possibilities, the Jeremy Burlando Pro Center’s advice is to look for your balance point between these 3 factors:


Speaking of the best Italian places to learn kitesurfing, we have already emphasized the importance of finding a spot that is convenient to home, so that you can get out often and quickly improve your technique.

The wind changes a lot from place to place: therefore, before buying kitesurfing equipment inquire about the average wind conditions at this spot.

right kitesurfing equipment

If the wind is light you will need larger kites and boards than in areas with stronger or gustier winds.

At Marsala’s Stagnone, for example, the wind blows 300 days a year, but with a very different average strength between summer and winter.

The thermal wind that prevails between May and September hardly ever exceeds 20 knots: therefore, this season for kite courses at the Jeremy Burlando Pro Center we mainly use sails between 9 and 12 sq m and 140 cm boards.

On the other hand, those who are used to going out in the stronger autumn-winter winds have smaller sails, between 7 and 9 square meters, and shorter boards.


For the same amount of wind, a lighter person will use smaller kitesurfing equipment than a larger, heavier one.
The weight factor is therefore crucial in choosing your kitesurfing sail and board.

Also consider that modern sails have depower systems that allow you to sail in a fairly wide wind range and not have to constantly change sails as soon as the wind drops or strengthens.

Below are the general references we use at the Jeremy Burlando Pro Center, for winds between 12 and 18 knots:

WeightKite sizeTable size
< 60 kg7 – 9 sqm< 140 cm
60 – 75 kg9 – 12 sqm140 cm
75 – 90 kg12 – 15 square meters> 140 cm


right kitesurfing equipment

The technologies by which kites are built are evolving very rapidly, and the latest models enable performance that was unthinkable a few years ago.

Do you want to learn how to jump? Do you dream of flying over the water with a hydro foil? Go to the open sea? Surf the waves? Or do you want to focus on improving free ride technique at this stage?

For each of these goals, there is suitable, high-performance equipment, used or new (LINK to Art. Used or new kitesurfing equipment?) and from every price range.

Jeremy Burlando’s advice Pro Center Sicily, Stagnone of Marsala

If you have just finished your first kitesurfing course what we recommend is to buy versatile and multipurpose equipment, such as:

What we call a zero-to-hero kite. Responsive, fast and very light on the bar. With this kite you can learn just about everything from gliding to higher board offs.

Choose it in the 50 cm size with 3-meter extensions, which you can always use with kites of any size, from 5 to 17 meters.

Very light, with incredible upwind and a flat rocker that helps with glide-it will really come in handy in your style progression.

In conclusion

Whatever your choice is, remember that the kite for a beginner kitesurfer must first and foremost:

  • Rising easily from the water. So choose wings that have a quick rise even in difficult conditions.
  • Have a smooth and steady shot. Avoid more technical products at this stage and choose entry level or all round models to progress quickly.

If you are interested in buying kitesurfing equipment, at Jeremy Burlando Pro Center Sicily you can try out the latest Slingshot models and consider buying a good used one.

Contact us or stop by and visit us at the Jeremy Burlando Pro Center Sicily at Stagnone in Marsala!